Monday night the board of directors held a meeting to discuss, among other things, the current COVID situation in our community and how it impacts that Gathering. After careful consideration, we have decided to cancel all in-person gatherings for the rest of January.
This was not a decision we came to lightly. We have really enjoyed meeting in person again and joining together for a new way to do Sunday. However, with the recent increase in numbers and some loved ones connected to the Gathering family struggling with the COVID diagnosis, we decided to postpone until the numbers decrease.
If you are currently in a mini-gathering, please check with your host home for more information about your specific group.
We will continue to evaluate every month and we can't wait to meet in person again!!
In this season it takes effort to stay connected. One of the best ways to stay connected is to make sure you follow us on Facebook and instagram. Also, join us online (facebook or gatheringpeople.org) for our service every Sunday at 10am.
One last thing, We are starting an online mini-gathering to take place right after the service on Sunday. In this mini-gathering you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into Sunday's message and connect with some of your Gathering friends. Everyone is invited! Hope to see you there!
Here is the link for ZOOM call:
Thank you,
The Gathering Leadership Team